Frequently Asked Questions

How does NaturalStone™ curbing differ from common landscape edging?

In contrast to the longevity and stability of NaturalStone™ curbing, alternative edging often shifts or becomes dislodged over time, compromising the overall look of your landscaping after just a few years.”

Can I buy these pieces and install them myself?

This is not block work. Our NaturalStone™ Curbing is a continuous concrete landscape border that is mixed and installed on site, by a team of skilled professionals.

How long does installation take?

Most installs can be completed in just one day.

How deep in the ground do you have to dig to install?

There is no digging required. We use a sod cutter to remove the sod and install your NaturalStone™ Curbing on a compacted and level surface.

Will my NaturalStone™ Curbing crack?

Yes, all concrete cracks. However, we place control cuts every 8 – 24 inches, which controls where cracking will occur. These joints allow for shifting with the freeze / thaw cycle, while the installed cable helps to strengthen and maintain the integrity of your curbing.

How long does the curbing take to dry?

Your NaturalStone™ Curbing will be dry to the touch within 4-6 hours of us finishing up. However, during the first 24-48 hours your curb is most vulnerable to damage by children, pets and irrigation. We ask that you leave your sprinkler system off until we return to seal your curbing and keep children and pets from walking on it.

Do you seal the NaturalStone™ Curbing the same day you install it?

We do not. We want to give your new NaturalStone™ Curbing time to properly cure, so we will return in 7-14 days to seal your curbing, using our proprietary sealer.

Are you a franchise?

No! We are a local, family owned and operated private business from Weldon Spring, MO. We are happy to be serving our friends and neighbors!

Do you offer a warranty?

Absolutely! And any of our associates would be happy to tell you about it!

Can natural stone edging be used for flower bed edging?

Yes, natural stone edging is a great option for flower bed edging as it adds a natural and elegant look to your flower beds. It also helps to keep the soil and mulch in place!

How much does natural stone edging cost?

The cost of natural stone edging can vary depending on the size of the project and the type of stone used. Contact us for a free estimate.